Copying the ArchLinux ISO to USB using Mac
From Cheeky Factor
Status: Archived
Publication date: 2018-11-17
Last edited by: Garyf
Last updated: 2023 - 11 - 3
The problem
To perform some maintenance tasks on a MacBook Pro, I needed to use ArchLinux.
The resolution
Please note: or the owners of this site cannot be held responsible if things go wrong. You perform these tasks at your own risk.
Device: MacBook Pro
Operating system: Fedora
Software: Fedora Media Writer, MacOS
Guidance for MacBook Pro, Fedora, Fedora Media Writer, MacOS
First of all, if you don’t have one already, grab a copy of ArchLinux, great, now get a copy of the Fedora Media Writer, you will see:
Select the custom image:
Open it, then click on Write to Disk:
Job done. You should now have a working ArchLinux USB stick.